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Anti Scald Device
Helps keep the bathroom safe!
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Price: $89.00

Availability:: Discontinued
Product Code: MC-0200

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Description Product Features & Specs What We Love About This Product

Anti-Scald Device - TAFR

Our Anti Scald Device or "TAFR" (Temperature Activated Flow Reducer) will ensure the water remains at a safe temperature so you don’t have to worry about the dangers of scalding. We provide this automatic temperature control technology for both sink faucets and shower heads. Those with diminished feeling in their hands may not know the water is too hot or if there is a sudden rush of scalding water due to a flushed toilet.

These automatic temperature control devices are easy to install and screw-onto an existing faucet or shower head. Once you have installed the temperature controlled faucet, it will automatically turn off the water if the temperature gets too hot. Install one at the bathroom sink, shower, and kitchen sink and put your mind at ease, knowing that the chance of a severe burn is greatly reduced!

Instructional Information

Fitting Guide

Anti-Scald Fitting

The most basic thing you need to know about your faucet in order to add an Anti-Scalding device is the threading - either male or female. If your faucet has threads on the outside, it is male threaded - which means you need to use just the FEMALE threaded component. Conversely, if your faucet has threads on the inside, it is female threaded and you'll need to use the included MALE threaded adapter. Our anti-scald devices work on both MALE and FEMALE faucets and pipes!

Our Anti-Scald devices work on "REGULAR" size plumbing. Typical "REGULAR" size for a faucet aerator is 15/16" male threaded or 55/64" female threaded, while "Junior" size is 13/16" male threaded or 3/4" female threaded. Some faucets use a smaller "Tom Thumb" metric-size aerator, which is M18x1 male threaded or M16x1 female threaded. If your faucet or pipe is not "REGULAR" you will need an additional adapter. But wait! Before you get out your tape measure, there's a very easy way to tell what size your plumbing is.

Example of faucet sizes

First, take the existing aerator off your faucet or shower head off the stem - usually these just unscrew, although you may need a wrench if it's on there tight. Then grab some spare change from the couch or your rainy day jar, specifically a quarter, a nickel, and a dime. Place the coins over the aerator/connector. If your current aerator/connection is about the size of a quarter, you have a "REGULAR" sized fixture!

If it's about the size of a nickel, you have a "Junior" size aerator. If your aerator is approximately the size of a dime, you have a "Tom Thumb" size aerator. Both "Junior" and Tom Thumb" sizes will need an adapter that you can purchase from the hardware store.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

5 of 5 Best invention out their for children/elderly September 11, 2020
Reviewer: Renee Elden from ROCKFORD, MN United States  
Simply amazing how this little device knows when to basically shut down the water if it gets to hot.  Perfect thing for daycare's, homes with small children, elderly or handicapped or impaired teens/adults.