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Busy Work Board - Lap Activity
Busy Work Board Alzheimer's Dementia Lap Activity
High-quality and made to engage hands + minds!
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Price: $49.95

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Product Code: MC-0204

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Description Product Features & Specs
Busy Work Activity Board for Alzheimer's, Stroke + Dementia
Keeping hands + minds active is important to prevent boredom and isolation. Our smaller Busy Work Boards are a great activity for those with dementia, Alzheimer's, memory loss or for those who have suffered a stroke and who have limited hand mobility. Users feel purpose and engaged when they have "things to do". Latches, switches, and locks all provide simple, but familiar actions that are both fun and challenging.

Our therapy board brings everyday items together in an appealing and portable lap or table top activity that loved ones with memory loss can continue to practice recognizable activities in a calm setting. Devoid of childlike features, our Busy Work Activity Board was designed to maintain the dignity of aging adults and is perfect for the handyman or woman in your life!

Available board colors: White or Blue

Made in the USA

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Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

5 of 5 Like the size. November 17, 2017
Reviewer: April M. from Ohio  
Nice quality, easier to hold than the large board. We bought both for our residents. Like the colors.